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...How to go from freelance to full time

Posted on 6/12/2016 by Julia Jackson


Are you looking to make that transition from being a freelancer to taking a full time position? Here are some great tips to help you. 

Many freelance designers are happy being their own boss and taking on assignments they find interesting and fulfilling. At the same time, there are those who would prefer the stability of a salaried position. If you’re in the latter camp, you could very well work your way from freelance design to full-time. But how?

Tip: If you’re ultimately looking for a full-time position, think of working on a project basis as an extended and task-oriented interview process.

Contract-to-hire is a very real thing in the design world. In a recent survey by The Creative Group, advertising and marketing executives said one of the greatest benefits of bringing in professionals on a project basis is the opportunity to evaluate their abilities before extending a full-time job offer. Think of it as an extended and task-oriented interview process.

Full article here: