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...Julia Jackson

Julia Jackson

Head Of Print & Digital Recruitment


Account Manager, Animation, Artworker, Art Director, Backend Development, Creative, Creative Artwork, Creative Director, Concept, Copywriter, Desktop Publishing, Graphic Design, Frontend Design, Front End Development, Illustration, Project Management, Proofreading, Studio Management, Technical, Video., UI, UX

With two decades of design recruitment experience, Julia is a true veteran of the business! 

Post studies at Chelsea College of Art and a BA in Design Studies at Goldsmiths College she started her career recruiting graphic designers in 1999 and in the depths of the recession went on to found Union Jackson in 2009. Still very hands on recruiting for freelance and permanent jobs she works placing all roles within design for print and digital, incorporating art directors, designers & artworkers of all levels. 

Loving her job and the buzz of design recruitment, she takes pride in having a wealth of knowledge and experience to provide you with the fastest service in the business! 

Never happier than when cuddling her rescue pup with a glass of wine and a holiday to look forward to ;-) 

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